
Here is a timeline of key events in Resource Recovery’s history:

  • 1974: Created by RI General Assembly (RI Solid Waste Management Corporation)
  • 1981: Purchased Silvestri landfill in the Town of Johnston
  • 1986: RI Recycling Act became law (1st statewide mandatory recycling)
  • 1988: Materials Recycling Facility opened, first programs began
  • 1993: Phase I (original, unlined dump) closed
  • 1993: Phase II of Central Landfill begins (sanitary landfill, lined)
  • 1994: Municipal leaf and yard debris composting begins
  • 1995: First major Materials Recycling Facility expansion
  • 1995: Maximum Recycling program piloted in Foster and Scituate
  • 1996: Changed name to RI Resource Recovery Corporation
  • 1996: Signed agreement with EPA to cleanup Phase I
  • 1996: Maximum Recycling program implemented statewide
  • 1997: Landfill Expansion Phase III began
  • 1999: Landfill Expansion Phase IV began
  • 2001: Took over Eco‐Depot program for Household Hazardous Waste
  • 2003: Statewide e‐Waste recycling offered
  • 2004: Landfill Expansion Phase V began
  • 2005: ReStore program for recycling plastic bags and film began
  • 2006: Phase 1 cleanup successfully completed
  • 2011: Received Wildlife at Work certification from WHC
  • 2012: Second major Materials Recycling Facility expansion
  • 2012: Recycle Together RI program launched statewide
  • 2013: Received Gold Award in Recycling Systems from SWANA (Solid Waste Association of North America)
  • 2015: Landfill Expansion Phase VI began
  • 2015: Constructed an on-site Leachate Pre-treatment Facility
  • 2016: Implemented Recycle Across America standardized labels (1st state in the nation)
  • 2016: Received Biggest Safety Improvement Award from SWANA
  • 2018: Received Gold Award for Public Awareness Campaign from SWANA
  • 2019: Received Best of Rhode Island award from Rhode Island Monthly
  • 2020: Initiated construction of new transfer station, drop off area, maintenance garage and office building
  • 2022: Received Sustainability Leadership Award from Casella Waste Systems